Develop your Goal Setting Muscle

  DEVELOP YOUR GOAL SETTING MUSCLE We all hear about the importance of setting goals but do you do it?  Why or why not?  Is it lack of discipline? Is it that it’s not that important to you?  Or is it that you may not reach your goals anyway, so why even bother?...

Habit of action as habit success

THE POWER OF HABITS : ARE YOU IN A HABIT OF ACTION OR INACTION?   We adopt many habits in our daily live,in our business. Some of them support our quest for developing our business results (clients, relations, figures…). Some  support our quest for living...

The Power of your Thoughts

The Power of your thoughts : create your reality Your business, Your energy, your life are  influenced by the Power of your thoughts.   Have you ever noticed that your positive mindset gives you a high level of energy?  The...