Develop your Goal Setting Muscle



We all hear about the importance of setting goals but do you do it?  Why or why not?  Is it lack of discipline? Is it that it’s not that important to you?  Or is it that you may not reach your goals anyway, so why even bother? In other words, do you develop your goal setting muscle?

If you set goals that are tangible and attainable and not a pie-in-the-sky wish, then you do have the ability to reach them, create of track record of success, and develop your goal setting muscle. And if you don’t have the discipline or the habit of setting goals, is it worth the reward to develop the discipline?  I say that it is. I have seen it time and time again.

And you, are you ready to redefine your goals and to achieve them? If you are seriously committed in achieving your objectives, I have then 2 exercises for you. See just below.


1. Answer these questions:

  • How is it serving you to not set goals?
  • How would your life be changed if you did?

2. Assignment:

Set daily goals that you know you can accomplish.  Make them simple, attainable, and most importantly, make a commitment to achieve your goal for that day.  This will build your confidence, create the habit, and build your goal setting muscle.

If you do not know what SMART means, here it is :


To Keep in mind :

Have the discipline or the habit of setting goals AND be committed in achieving them are 2 MUST HAVE to develop your Goal Setting Muscle.

Congratulations for YOUR commitment in taking action right now !

Your next steps :

Register to my webinar “Visualise and fix your objectives, to stay focus on your vision” (several dates and times)

If you are seriously committed in developing your leadership and/or your team, feel free to contact me to fix an appointment for your free Business Strategy Session (from 45 to 60 minutes). My details

Are you looking for a speaker on leadership, let’s talk ! 

Thanks for sharing this article with your colleagueson your social networks and by clicking on the below blue buttom .  Your friends will be so grateful!

Talk to you soon,




Murielle Gardret
Certification internationale de Coach (ICF PCC – env 150 en France certifiés ICF PCC en France et 5 au Maroc)
DIRAGIR (France et Maroc)

Biography :

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Coaching : définition  ICF (International Coaching Federation)  coaching