Owning Your Success

saut perche loupein great attempts, it is glorious even to failEver notice that people always have an excuse for their failures? The economy was bad, or the weather didn’t cooperate, or they didn’t have enough time. Whatever the challenge and however things turned out, they always have an excuse. The problem with this line of thinking is that if you never own your failures, you can never truly own your successes.

Think about a time when you were successful, at the “top of your game.” Perhaps you signed a new  contract after  having visited your client 10 times , or were promoted,  won a professional trophey. You might have made an outstanding presentation in front of managing directors or sponsors…  or helped a senior citizen apply for assistance. You succeeded, but you might not have taken the time to enjoy the fruits of your labors. Society moves so fast today and many times we dwell on failure but breeze past success.

Having an explanation for failure is fine. Having an excuse for failure is not. In the same vein, take the time to explain (to yourself or to others) what has made you successful in life. Most often, our actions, beliefs and behaviors are the key to success and to failure. Some people stare at the high jump bar and think “Boy, that’s too high for me.” Others stare at the same bar and think, “I wonder if I could jump higher?”

Which do you think is more helpful; wondering about your potential, or dwelling on your limitations?


A très bientôt,

Murielle – Ouarda

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Murielle Gardret intervient en France et au Maroc.  Elle est Coach sénior experte en leadershipauthentique et transformationnel.
Certification Internationale de coaching ICF PCC (professional certified coach –  environ 125 coachs ICF PCC en France  et 3 au Maroc ).



Grow – Grow your people – Grow your business

Executive and Business Coach (individuel et équipe) depuis plus de 10 ans  après un parcours en développement  RH en entreprises et cabinets internationaux intervenant principalement dans le secteur Retail (Mode, Luxe, Banque…) .

Je mets également à profit mon expérience,  mes réussites et mes outils de coaching au profit des indépendants et des dirigeants d’entreprises de TPE/PME.

Gagnante du Trophée de Bronze RH, Salon Solutions RH, Casablanca, Nov 2014

Coordonnées : gardret@wordpress-997004-4333886.cloudwaysapps.com
Maroc (Casablanca  -Twin Center) : Tél :  00 212 (0) 5 22 95 83 34